My personal opinion on this is that if Christie gets nominated and picks someone like lyndsey graham or Marco Rubio as his runningmate he will have a good shot at the presidency. There are plenty of moderates within the GOP and they need to come forward.

For the democrats Elizabeth warren is the liberal equivalent of Michelle Bachmann. An idiot with no political sense whatsoever. I would sooner move to Honduras than have her as president. But I think it's a safe assumption she's not getting the nomination. Two things hold Hillary back- her health and Benghazi. She won't get enough of the moderates and that whole fiasco will be used against her on both sides. Some are saying Andrew cuomo, but he's too much of a sheep democrat. I'm interested as to who the dems will line up in 16.

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone