David Frum wrote this recently, which sums up the GOP:

Hate leads to rage, and rage makes you stupid. Republicans have convinced themselves both that President Obama is a revolutionary radical hell-bent upon destroying America as we know it and that he's so feckless and weak-willed that he'll always yield to pressure. It's that contradictory, angry assessment that has brought the GOP to a place where it must either abjectly surrender or force a national default. Calmer analysis would have achieved better results.


Unlike Lilo and most (complacent) liberals, I think the GOP can absolutely win in '16. The economy is still lukewarm, Hillary aint getting any younger and the idea of President Joe Biden is hilarious.

I think what Frum wrote above is passion overriding logic. The Democratic Congressional leadership back during the Dubya years were pelted endlessly by DailyKos and Huffington Post and those liberal blogs for being "spineless" and "unwilling to fight" President Bush. What those kneejerk partisans didn't understand was that for all their problems, Pelosi and Reid picked and choose which battles to fight. Short term they looked "weak" but longterm they won the 2006 midterms and the White House twice subsequently. They lost the battle but won the war.

The Congressional GOP (whoever runs it, does anybody really know?) are doing the opposite. They're losing the war all for the sake of a battle that maybe they shouldn't have picked in the first place. Frum is right, they are being pointlessly apocalyptic, as if there is no future beyond Obamacare.

Bologna! So damn defeatist and foolish. These people should look up similar apocalyptic warnings that Ronald Reagan made 50 years ago regarding Medicare. Medicare is still around, America didn't implode over it, Reagan became President because of other issues.