Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
Somebody earlier mentioned the matter of Christianity on the slide in Europe. I read in a paper yesterday that a survey of 11 year old kids in the UK and over 50% of them had heard of Jesus but did not know who he was. This is worrying of course!! Maybe all the kids in the survey were Muslims?

Come on yogi, you're a great guy, funny as hell and you always lighten the mood. But I think this is a real issue here. The primary reason is that I love the Brits. I life the culture- everything from John Lennon, Winston Churchill, Monty python, John Cleese, mick jagger, right down to Kate Middleton and the baby lol

Most Muslims in Europe in time will assimilate. But there are plenty who probably don't want to and many more who would like to see their way of life replace yours. By that I mean sharia, and that's not good for anyone

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone