I, we, don't have to suffer fools, but we don't have to sink to their level either.

Let's get back to the topic 123Schmo brought up. His concern, as I recall (and you can correct me if I'm mistaken), is that there is potential for radical Islam eventually dominating Europe. So let's look at that as a possibility.

Non-Muslim European birth rates have declined while Muslim European growth rates have risen, although the rate of the growth has declined. According to some demographers, Britain will be majority Muslim by 2050. Maybe the decline in the rate of growth will alter that prediction to 2060 or 2070, yet because of those demographic trends it most likely will happen. Each country is different, but some countries have similar scenarios: Italy, Spain, France, Norway, the Netherlands are often mentioned.

Let's say the above scenarios are correct. Not all Muslims are theologically conservative Muslims, but let's say 30% are. That 30% figure would translate to several million individuals who not only believe in Sharia, but in a worldwide caliphate, death to apostates, the elimination of Israel, hatred of Jews, approval of terrorism, etc. That's a huge amount of believers.

Moreover, those who believe in these ideas tend to be more activist than those who disagree. The fact that they believe in terrorism would mean they would terrorize those with whom they disagree, such as liberal and moderate Muslims, in addition to atheists, agnostics, Christians, Jews, and other non-Muslim groups. As evidence for this we can look at examples from Pakistan and Egypt. They target churches and more moderate believers and are deterred from going further because of military intervention.

Given this, is there at least a *possibility* that 123Schmo's scenario is possible at some future time?