Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Schmo, your arguments would be stronger if you dropped the ad hominem attacks.

Perhaps, but need I remind you of the attacks I've received from you and others on here?

What is important to recognize, is that every party has their faults, every politician and President won't be perfect. But as long as we stick to partisan ideals this country will sink further and further. We need compromise not dissent!

And of course someone's going to say "blame Obama!" or "blame the tea party" But when does that get anything done? The reason I posted the "I have no faith" thread was not to blame, but voice that if we are to get anywhere in the next decade, this nonsense must stop.

I think more than anything, everyone wants that. It's just we can't agree on how. And while Democrats and Republicans fight, we suffer. That's got to change

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone