Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
It's no wonder you're the most extreme left winger on here. You won't listen to another point of view which is crucial in sitting down with another group and compromising with them. In one ear and out the other rolleyes

Do you know what the problem with you is? Is that you think we're stupid.

He says Koch brothers are for abortion, yet their record of donations shows otherwise. There's nothing to listen here, except lies, lies and lies. And please don't insult my intelligence with saying you're not a right winger, cause it shows plain and simple when you ignore the BS from your side and come and pick on me.

And in the end, so what if I'd be the extremest lefty here? I wear that as a badge of honor, unlike you who is obviously soooo to the right, yet apparently ashamed to admit it. And I know why you are ashamed, it's because as I said GOP sucks and most people don't want to be affiliated with them at the moment.

You know what you're problem is? You really have no perception. None at all. Not a smidgeon.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't put words in my mouth and don't label me anything I'm not. I am first and foremost an American (you're not) and I've been a registered independent since I was 18. I believe in principles from both parties. The reason why I defend the right point of view on here is because this board IS SO DAMN LIBERAL is makes me want to break something.

It's important to consider and listen to other points of view, even if you don't like them, all in all it makes you a better debater and a better compromiser.

"soooo far to the right?" That makes me laugh. Do you see me commending Ted Cruz or Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck? I despise the tea party. But I also despise wingnuts like you that think being a super liberal automatically makes you some sort of saint.

You think you're untouchable in this place. That because you went to college in the United States and couldn't obtain a green card you're some sort of legend/pity case. You may not see yourself that way, but others do and that's why I get the boot if I say something out of line but you can tell me "I suck and the GOP"

I would have more respect for you if you weren't so demeaning all the damn time. But since you're keen on being a partisan liberal radical feminist, is it any wonder why I try to counter your arguments all the time? Any time there's BS on any side I call it out. Did you not see my thread on having no faith in the government?

Again, think before making comments like you just did.

Last edited by 123JoeSchmo; 10/08/13 11:03 AM.

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone