Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
It's no wonder you're the most extreme left winger on here. You won't listen to another point of view which is crucial in sitting down with another group and compromising with them. In one ear and out the other rolleyes

Do you know what the problem with you is? Is that you think we're stupid.

He says Koch brothers are for abortion, yet their record of donations shows otherwise. There's nothing to listen here, except lies, lies and lies. And please don't insult my intelligence with saying you're not a right winger, cause it shows plain and simple when you ignore the BS from your side and come and pick on me.

And in the end, so what if I'd be the extremest lefty here? I wear that as a badge of honor, unlike you who is obviously soooo to the right, yet apparently ashamed to admit it. And I know why you are ashamed, it's because as I said GOP sucks and most people don't want to be affiliated with them at the moment.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones