Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
First of all, all Muslims aren't Arabs. Arab is race, Islam is a religion. Second of all, for them to be able to have Sharia law implemented in Europe, first they must get elected to the parliaments or such law making bodies and pass their laws through that. So how many Muslims are now part of the law making body of those countries that suddenly has made you concerned?

Arab is an ethnicity not a race. Anyway, just because Muslims are not serving in some European country's parliament today does not mean they won't be in it tomorrow, next year or in the next decade. It's just a silly argument to claim that because something is not X today it will never be X. The massive increases in Muslim immigration to Europe has only been relatively recent.

As for European Muslim attitudes, see this: http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Muslim_Statistics_-_Shariah. It covers, Germany, Ireland, UK, Norway and Belgium. A sizable number in each of these countries does want Sharia and agree that people that convert from Islam to another religion should be killed. One of the polls I provided a link to DID included second generation Muslims. Don't forget, if you are an Iranian Shi'ite you also are considered a heretic by the majority Sunni Muslims, and in almost each case where Sharia would be implemented (Canada, so far, as allowed Sharia for inheritance laws) it would be the Sunni version.