Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Although not agreeing with vinnies choice of words, I do agree we should be more concerned about extreme Islamists than the tea party.

Who shut down the United States Government? Islamic terrorists or the tea party? Who wants to default on the national debt? Islamic terrorists or the tea party?

Who wants the current president to fail simply because he is black? Islamic terrorists or the tea party.

Case closed.

Once again DT your own personal feelings get in the way of being objective.

This government shut down, while largely due to the extreme branch of the Republican party, cannot be fully put on them. I think right now Congress as a whole is ineffective and useless. Both Dems and the GOP.

Secondly you're throwing the racist card again which got old the first fifty thousand times you used it. Perhaps some of the members may not like that he's black, but we can't know that. This is a battle of ideals, not skin color. The tea party is conservative- lower taxes, smaller government, etc while Obama is on the left- higher taxes, stimulus packages, obamacare, etc. From the start they didn't like his health care bill. They did everything they could to sabotage it, but they failed. Yet still they try to prevent it, even though most of the law is already in effect.

Let me also remind you the debt has quadrupled under Obama, I don't think anyone wants to default, but we have to figure out a way to lower it.

Now to Islam. Extreme jihadists want to blow up our cities. They want to kill innocent people, behead our soldiers, ruin our lives and impose Sharia law.

Oh yeah the tea party is certainly more dangerous rolleyes

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