Plenty of polls have been taken in the Muslim world. A majority want Sharia, less than a majority want it to apply to non-Muslims. Forty percent of Palestinians believe in suicide bombing.

We have to remember that when people say that "only a minority of Muslims believe in Sharia and suicide bombing," that if there are a billion Muslims a minority is 499 million Muslims. Overall a majority DO want Sharia, so let's say that's half a billion. Let's say 30% believe in suicide bombing. That could be a million potential suicide bombers. How much damage can a million (or even 100,000) suicide bombers do? Even the Klan doesn't walk into mosques or synagogues and blow themselves up, taking a large number of the congregation with them as they do in Pakistan, Iraq, Kenya and Israel and other places.

They might counter that the number includes children, but those children are raised to believe the same as their parents. The polls also show that young people are MORE likely to believe in Sharia and terrorism than older people.

Here are some links: