...was in November, 1980 on NBC. Of course, this was "The Godfather Saga," the chronological version of GF I & II.

It was pretty cool seeing the story unfold from the beginnings in Sicily, proceeding through the New York days and finally ending in Nevada. Getting to see the extra footage was cool, though I wouldn't realize how cool until I saw the originals.

Flash-forward to Summer 1981 when I finally got to see the original versions of GF I & II on HBO. By this time, we'd gotten cable and I got to see the films in their original state. Still very cool and of course, I got to see the stuff that was edited out of the TV broadcast (Apollonia undressing comes to mind here).

I guess because of this, I have a soft spot for "The Godfather Saga." I hope that if the Saga is ever released on DVD, that ALL of the extra footage included on the DVD is included in the edit - especially Sonny's scenes in which he deals with the shooting of Vito.

"Ahh, rock stars...is there anything they don't know?" - Homer J. Simpson