I also think that about American Mafiosos. I think mentality plays a key role in the mafia. Falcone once said the mafia isn't just a criminal organisation but a state of mind. After centuries of invasions by Greeks, Romans , Normans , Arabs and Spanish with corrupt and brutal governments always exploiting the citizen it could be said that mistrust of authorities, self preservation and exaggerated pride and egotism was chiseled into the sicilian psych. This is I think, what makes the Sicilian Mafia much more powerful , secretive and brutal than the Americans who don't have the same culture.

I mean the Sicilian Mafia blew up motorways and whole apartment blocks just to kill Falcone and borsellino. They also went as far as to plan to blow up the tower of Pisa in their stategy of terror. Thats like the Gambinos blowing up the statue of liberty. So Although people say all They care about is money, i think the Two groups are very different simply due to culture and mentality.

Tony Soprano : I thought I told you to back off Beansie!

Richie Aprile : I did, Then I put it in drive..