Anybody comparing ACA to slavery is fucking stupid. The genocide, enslavement, and rape of an entire segment of the population has nothing to do with a free market-based healthcare system. Reminds me of kids online who call each other Hitler because they disagree on who's the better pop star or those idiots who wear T-shirts with Che Guevara's mug.

Besides Lilo has a point. The Republicans had their chance to make Obamacare the referendum for the 2012 national election. They tried and they failed. They lost, and not even fucking close like 2000 or '04, it was a healthy defeat. Democrats had a chance to make Iraq the topic in 2004, and they failed. (Fascinating how both defeated parties nominated men who were for healthcare/Iraq before they were against it.)

Anyway this shutdown was about Obamacare originally, but now its no longer the topic. Its a shutdown for its own sake. What exactly is the point of the shutdown now?