Rob Ford’s ‘good guy’ friend charged with drug trafficking after evidence uncovered during Project Traveller probe
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Natalie Alcoba and Megan O'Toole | 02/10/13 | Last Updated: 03/10/13 8:07 AM ET

After spending the night in custody and the day as the subject of intense media scrutiny, Alexander Lisi emerged from Old City Hall courthouse Wednesday afternoon all alone.

The sometime driver for Mayor Rob Ford, now charged with drug trafficking and at the centre of an investigation led by one of Toronto’s most experienced detectives, looked at times angry, at times bewildered by the swarm of reporters, cameras and questions waiting for him. At one point swinging at a photographer, he led the group on a bizarre, extended chase, walking in circles on busy downtown streets, into a pub and the Eaton Centre, as passersby pulled out cellphones to record the scene.

“You guys are f—–’ hilarious,” he said to reporters upon his release. “Get a f—–’ life.”

But the spotlight is focused intently on the 35-year-old Etobicoke man now, whose name has come up in the weeks that followed explosive allegations that Mayor Ford is captured on a cell phone camera video smoking from a crack pipe. The Toronto Star contends Lisi has made attempts to retrieve the alleged video.

On Wednesday, Lisi was charged with trafficking of marijuana under three kilograms, possession of proceeds of crime, possession of marijuana and conspiracy to commit the indictable offence of trafficking a controlled substance. He was arrested the previous evening along with Jamshid Bahrami, 47, the owner of a small dry-cleaning shop, after police executed a search warrant at 250 Wincott Drive. Mr. Bahrami faces three charges: possession of cocaine, three counts of marijuana trafficking and conspiracy to commit the indictable offence of trafficking.

Community shocked to learn ‘happy-go-lucky’ drug cleaner charged

Ali Bagheri found the door to the Richview Cleaners locked Wednesday, the shop empty of staff and clientele. As he traipsed back to his car, arms still filled with clothes he had hoped to drop off at the west-end dry-cleaners, Mr. Bagheri was shocked to hear of the owner’s arrest.

“Really, what for?” he exclaimed, noting he had always received good service at the shop. “He wasn’t a bad person, always so nice — not to me, to everyone.”

But police allege there is a side of Richview owner Jamshid Bahrami that his customers and neighbours did not see, including his association with Alexander Lisi, a friend of Mayor Rob Ford’s who has been publicly linked to crack-cocaine allegations surrounding the chief magistrate.

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The Post has learned these arrests are part of a larger investigation, led by homicide Det. Sgt. Gary Giroux, into matters that arose during the course of the year-long Project Traveller probe that targeted the Dixon City Bloods gang. The Giroux investigation has nothing to do with the gang, the Post has been told, and has not been focused on the alleged crack video. However, evidence uncovered along the way has led the team of investigators, which includes Det. Joyce Schertzer, to a group of people who are close to the mayor.

Det. Schertzer investigated the murder of Anthony Smith, a man who is pictured in a widely circulated photograph of Mayor Ford with two alleged gang members who were arrested in the Project Traveller raids.

The Star and U.S. website Gawker first published the photo alongside stories describing a video that allegedly depicts the mayor smoking from a crack pipe.

Mr. Ford has denied smoking crack cocaine and refused to comment on a video he says does not exist.

The National Post has not seen the alleged video and can not confirm its existence.

On Wednesday, Mayor Ford said he was “surprised” that his “good guy” friend and occasional driver was arrested.

“I’m surprised, I’m really surprised,” Mr. Ford said at a Esso gas station around the corner from his Etobicoke home. “He’s a friend, he’s a good guy, I don’t throw my friends under the bus. He’s straight and narrow, never once seen the guy drink, never seen him once do drugs, so…I’m surprised, I’m actually shocked.”

Mayor Ford went on to lambaste the media for coming to his house late Wednesday morning, where a throng of reporters waited earlier in the day for a comment on the Lisi matter.

“I don’t go to your front door, don’t go to my front door. I have kids,” an irate Mayor Ford said, calling the media tactic “very low.”

Mayor Ford said he was not aware Lisi had been under surveillance, nor was he concerned that any interactions he may have had with Lisi could emerge through the upcoming legal proceedings.

Det.-Sgt. Giroux is listed as the main investigator on the Lisi drug case. Mark Pugash, a Toronto police spokesman, said that’s because “he is an extremely experienced, an extremely tenacious investigator” and not because it has anything to do with a homicide.

Lisi appeared in an Old City Hall courthouse Wednesday wearing a grey zip up sweater and standing with his hands clasped.

He had a mark under his right eye, which he later seemed to imply happened while in custody, and a scruffy beard. He cast two glances around the courtroom, locking eyes with a contingent of reporters and smirking.

At the request of the defence, the Justice of the Peace imposed a publication ban on the proceedings.

Peter J. Thompson/National PostAlexander Lisi, who occasionally drives the Mayor Rob Ford around, flees members of the media in a taxi at Toronto's Old City Hall Court House after making bail on drug charges, Wednesday October 2, 2013.
The Crown consented to Lisi’s release on $5,000 bail and proposed a number of conditions, which were accepted by the court. Lisi cannot possess weapons or drugs, cannot have any contact with his co-accused unless in the presence of lawyers and must reside at an address approved by his surety, whose name was not disclosed. Lisi is also prohibited from possessing more than one cell phone. Mr. Bahrami was also released on the same conditions. The information on the charges alleges that Lisi and Mr. Bahrami were in possession of $900 in pre-recorded police buy money. Lisi has multiple previous convictions dating back to 2001, including assault and threatening death.

Councillor Doug Ford, leaving a budget committee meeting at City Hall, brushed off reporters’ questions about the arrest of Lisi.

“I have never met this person,” Doug Ford said. He added, “I support the police investigation.”

When a reporter mentioned that Lisi sometimes acts as chauffeur for the mayor, the councillor replied, “That’s what you guys say. He doesn’t have a driver, doesn’t have security.”