Originally Posted By: Turnbull
None of Capone's biographers says he was a made man, nor do they associate the Outfit under Torrio and Capone with the Mafia. And with good reason: neither was Sicilian at a time when Mafia meant Sicilian. There was a Mafia of sorts in Chicago at the time--the Unione Siciiliana, a kind of civic association with muscle. Capone treated them with respect, and constantly tried to get his own Sicilian guys to head the Unione.

I also believe that there was a "Black Hand" operating in Little Hell before Torrio. The (reported) stastic is that one year they dumped somewhere around 40 or 50 bodies on the corner of Oak and Larabee, or Oak and Cleveland, or Sedeweick and Locust (I've read all three), and it was called Death Corner.

This would have been circa 1910s in the area that later became Cabrini. Not sure if they were connected to the Unione etc.

Last edited by jonnynonos; 10/02/13 03:20 PM.