Here's another article excerpt about former FTQ-Construction union executive Ken Pereira's testimony at the CEIC about Raynald Desjardins.



Mobster with ties to the Mafia in spotlight at Quebec corruption inquiry
The Globe and Mail
Published Wednesday, Oct. 02 2013, 12:40 PM EDT | Last updated Wednesday, Oct. 02 2013, 1:36 PM EDT

A witness at the Charbonneau public inquiry testified that Raynald Desjardins acted as if he controlled FTQ-Construction

On his first day at the penitentiary, in 1994, Raynald Desjardins made a point of shaking the hand of the warden in front of other inmates, assuring him that "all would go well."

Mr. Desjardins, who was serving a 15-year sentence for cocaine trafficking, then proceeded to act as if he ran the place, getting involved in two murder plots and a conspiracy to poison the prison staff.

The incident, which is documented in Mr. Desjardins' parole records, illustrates the cocky, velvet-glove-in-iron-fist style of a man described in court documents as a major Quebec organized-crime figure.

Mr. Desjardins is in the news spotlight this week after a witness at the Charbonneau public inquiry described how the 60-year-old mobster acted as if he controlled FTQ-Construction, one of the province's biggest and richest trade unions.

The witness, Ken Pereira, was a whistleblowing union leader who had been clashing with his boss, FTQ-Construction executive director Jocelyn Dupuis.

Mr. Pereira testified that he was called around 2008 or 2009 to have brunch at a hotel. Ten thuggish-looking men stood at the door. Inside, Mr. Pereira was told that he would meet Mr. Desjardins and that he was to speak politely to him.

Mr. Desjardins showed up and said: "Listen Ken, I don't know if you know me but I did 11 years in jail. I kept my mouth shut, I did my time and that's the way it should be."

Mr. Desjardins said that he could get Mr. Dupuis removed because he didn't want to see more union feuding since "we've got more important business to do."

Mr. Pereira testified that he got scared. "At that moment, I discovered that Jocelyn Dupuis, who I thought was the boss, wasn't the boss. Raynald Desjardins was the boss." ....