I have lost faith in our government. I truly have.

I recognize the extreme branch of the GOP is holding the government hostage when such actions are not needed at the moment. This is not the time to dabble and bicker over party ideals. The extreme conservative Republicans need to realize now is not the time to gut Obamacare. It's a law, upheld by the Supreme Court, and honestly it's better than nothing. I'm curious to see how it will fare with the American people.

That being said I do think that there are huge flaws in this law that need to be fixed because we're already seeing them be exploited. It's NOT the perfect solution to our health care problems but it's a start.

The Tea party cannot strangle the rest of the Republicans. They cannot do so to Boehner or to any of the other moderates. It's a disgrace to our country and the citizens who live in it.

I won't put all the blame on them however. While I believe the Tea baggers are a big part of the blame, everyone must share it. I despise our current government. I don't like Obama, the Senate, or the House. Because all of them have forgotten the purpose of why they are in Capitol Hill in the first place: to serve. Not for themselves, but the for motherfucking goddamn people they represent!! Is that so hard to ask.

As an independent voter, as an American citizen I am appalled and ashamed at our legislative body's refusal to get along and Obama not taking a firm enough stance on this. There's no leadership anymore and America is a train going off the tracks.

I don't know how else to say it. Congress, if any of you are wandering on to a random mafia forum dedicated to the Godfather, ready my very angry text.

The people of this country are tired of this shit. Clean up your act, compromise, think of your country, and lift this government shutdown!!!

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone