Originally Posted By: StonePark
Originally Posted By: funkster
SP....or anyone with any real knowledge of the situation....what kind of importance do people in Cicero (Inendino or Solly D) place on the organization as an institution? Do these guys place a hight value on that? As opposed to JD who appears to be content with staying out of prison.

The only people who can give you an honest answer to this question are the Cicero people themselves, like Inendino and DeLaurentis. You're asking how particular people "identify." In this sense, I don't have any real knowledge of the situation, and no one on here does. My observation, though, is that they both have a mafia "aesthetic" and they both did time for the organization without informing...that we know of. That speaks to something.

Agree with SP that all we can do is guess, but my guess would be that they indeed do place importance on the institution itself. That is what allows them to extort, etc. They still want people fearful of them.