Originally Posted By: spmob
JCB: I've never seen someone with such a hard on for one city. Did your wife leave you for a Philadelphian? It's almost as if your upset that Pittsburgh doesn't have a mafia family to talk about so you trash the city of Philly in any way possible. Get over it, I see you on here trying to bait people. Your a hypocrite. When someone from Philly has something to say to you, you always comment that you wouldn't expect anythng else from a guy from Philly yet your on here calling people Guinea trash. Your like a broken record.

Good one lol What a smug a**hole this guy is. I saw in an earlier post Skinny is right they rob and sell drugs. JCB1977 probably has the most boring book of the century coming out on Pittsburgh."Chucky Porter went to work everyday with a brown paper bag with an apple and PB&J. He drove a buick unlike the moron's in philadelphia who drove a flashy caddy or benz. He had a no-show job at the steel mill and got kick-backs of $0.50 at Christmas time from the workers.