Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: Faithful1
How about Dick Cheney as Darth Vader? Where was the bipartisanship then?

Can you give me an example of a Democratic Congressperson in a position of power who reached out to the other side with some sort of real compromise that was also fiscally responsible? Can you name one Democratic plan to bring down the national debt?

Your incredible lack of knowledge of history has shown its face again. Why don't you try to read some facts before you go off on your rants here?

1. The Dems voted overwhemingly for the Iraq war even though it was all based on lies war criminal Bush and war criminal cheney told.

2. The national debt has been dropping since Obama took office.

People like you are not symptoms of the problem, you are the problem. Go live in Paraguay or someplace more suitable to your politics. You are not a real American, yoou are a tereasonous, racist fascist.

My lack of knowledge?!? Seriously, you need to take a chill pill and go back to college because your knowledge of history is atrocious.

1. Yes, the Dems voted for the Iraq War. So what? What has that got to do with anything I wrote? Get back on your Ritalin so you can focus and stop letting your mind wander off on to tangents.

1A. Bush and Cheney lied? Another far left-wing lie. A lie is an INTENTIONAL act to deceive. Some of their information was wrong, but PROVE where it was a lie. You can't because it wasn't. Someone who allegedly went to law school ought to know the difference between intentional and unintentional. And for the record, not all of their info was wrong, only a small portion of it, and that can mostly be attributed to the lack of cooperation from the Iraqi gov't with UN weapons inspectors.

2. The national debt has decreased under Obama? I already PROVED that it has increased MORE under one Obama term than two Bush terms using the government's own data. You really need to put down the bottle. At least read the previous posts before you respond to them. I not only gave the info, but I provided links, so you are without excuse.

3. No, people like me are the solution. You keep on posting ignorant left-wing rants that are devoid of facts and only include opinions that contradict reality. Then when you are challenged with the truth you resort to childish name-calling, which should prove to all the weakness of your positions. You have no facts so you do the usual left-wing "racist" "fascist" thing. If you knew who I was you would know how stupid that insult was. And that's "stupid" with one "p," not two. If it makes you feel better I can end with Dontomasso is a racist fascist bigoted hatemongering stupid idiot cretin fool, but I won't. On some level you are probably an intelligent person and since I don't know you I have no basis to call you a racist, fascist, whatever. Some of your thinking is foolish and your insults border on hate since there is no reason for them other than you letting your emotions get away from you. You want to continue the insults or are you able to reason intelligently? The choice is yours.