Cruz and his posse of conservatives should listen to their speaker and other moderates. Don't use this as an opportunity to repeal Obamacare, if you feel that strongly about the law, do it when you have the time, not when the clock is ticking on a government shutdown. Obama won't gut the law, especially since it's one of his only domestic achievements he's had. No way in hell is he going to give in, and Cruz and the other dunces need to realize that. I'm glad they passed a measure paying troops, defense contractors and civilian pentagon workers, but it's not enough.

This is not the time to bicker over a law that's not going to be repealed. I don't think it's the best solution to our health care problems, I think it's going to cause problems. But right now the focus needs to be finding a way to avoid a government shutdown. Not this goddamn useless partisan arguing bullshit

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone