>The guarantee against tyranny lay squarely within ArticlesI-VII.

That really has worked well. I'm sure the NSA is super scared of some some words on the paper and a worthless judiciary. Again, by your standard, the Soviet Union had the most free society ever because it promised so much freedom in its constitution.

I can also pull tons of work from the time of ratification about protection against tyranny by the people through revolution. You know the famous Jefferson quotes, so I guess he was influenced by old timmy as well. When force comes to bear, they were smart enough to realize there is nothing law that can protect the people. "People" to whom the Second Amendment right is accorded are the same "people" who enjoy First and Fourth Amendment protection.

Do you really think it impossible at some future time that the government may go tyrannical? Take the long view of history, every republic to this point ends in tyranny.

Additional point: I like how you cut out my post about your approach being completely indeterminate and without a limiting principle. Why can't Lochner be passed by the same right of privacy, besides of course, your disagreement with the free market system?

Last edited by LittleNicky; 09/28/13 10:03 PM.

Should probably ask Mr. Kierney. I guess if you're Italian, you should be in prison.
I've read the RICO Act, and I can tell you it's more appropriate...
for some of those guys over in Washington than it is for me or any of my fellas here