dontomasso, you are in no position to question anyone's credibility. I was right about what I wrote about left-wingers and self-defense. You are for it in theory, but then you kill it with a death of a thousand cuts by adding qualifier after qualifier, then bring in the Zimmerman case out of the blue because bringing him evidently makes you feel better about yourself.

Talk about not having credibility, your summary of what he did is way off base. He didn't follow "a kid" around a neighborhood, there was no evidence he racially profiled him (even if he did -- so what?), he wasn't a vigilante, the cops didn't tell him to stand down, and he didn't get out his car and shoot "the kid" to death. Damn, have you not read anything about the case? Sounds like some far left-wing MSNBC talking point.

Roe was the wrong decision for the wrong reason. Things aren't right just cuz you like them. Right means either morally good or factually correct. The Roe decision is neither.