Originally Posted By: Antonio
I know that the Ndrangheta are especially close to them, but what about the other three italian mafia groups? When i say cartels i mean both mexican and colombian. Also do clans in canada and austrailia have direct contact with them. Also what about the American families? Do They deal with the cartels from time to time?

Also whats the key differences between the cartels and mafias? It seems that the mobs are more secretive and control the state whilst the cartels are violent as hell and are more of an anti state, is that right ?

The mob doesnt cut peoples heads off then post the videos on the internet. You cannot really compare the mexican cartels to the american mob at all. but i think the cartels are very similiar to the sicilian mob of the 1980s and 1990s when the sicilian cosa nostra was killing govt people and were raging war with each other. Both the cartels and the sicilians were trying to rule their countries by ruthlessness and fear.

"Let me tell you something. There's no nobility in poverty. I've been a poor man, and I've been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time."

-Jordan Belfort