Lilo, love the Meth Damon nickname! grin And I've read a lot of people predicting the Lydia/ricin possibility, especially with how much they emphasize her taste for tea, but I agree that she's a very careful (paranoid) person.

Afs, you make a good point about Jesse, and yet I've never been able to bring myself to root against him... in fact, I'm still feeling bits of sympathy for Walt! I've seen a few comments from Vince Gilligan about how he can't believe people still support the guy and that they were basically pushing him to the darkest point to see how long fans would stay on his side. For all the terrible things he's done, a scene like in the most recent episode where an hour of company is worth $10,000 to him? Heartbreaking! I hate myself for being so wishy-washy about these characters. lol But I think that's the great thing about how this show's written.

I really recommend you guys check out the Conan special with the full cast. Really funny, and kind of therapeutic to see them getting along with each other. Bryan is quite the comedian!