Originally Posted By: dontomasso
You righties can whine all you want, but the truth is Obama care is going to be funded and enacted and will be wildly popular. The righties used the same excuses against Social Security and Medicare, so I give these complaints no credibility.

If the righties really thought Obamacare was going to be a failure, they would allow its passage in a heartbeat, wait for it to fail and then make political hay for the next 20 years. Truth is they are terrified that it is going to work (which it will).

Also I am still waiting for that health care alternative they claim they have.

You call people whiners, but no one was criticizing you, they had just criticized Obamacre. Why do you have to make insults? As for your comment that those agisnt it should let it pass, then watch it fail so they can blame Obama, he would nt get blamed. Media would give him a big pass, and say it failed due to others. Obama would have every excuse imaginable as to why outside forces sabotaged it. It would also be the height of irresponsibility for senators to pass a bail destined to fail and cause our nation problems.