Originally Posted By: dontomasso
You righties can whine all you want, but the truth is Obama care is going to be funded and enacted and will be wildly popular. The righties used the same excuses against Social Security and Medicare, so I give these complaints no credibility.

If the righties really thought Obamacare was going to be a failure, they would allow its passage in a heartbeat, wait for it to fail and then make political hay for the next 20 years. Truth is they are terrified that it is going to work (which it will).

Also I am still waiting for that health care alternative they claim they have.

Wildly popular? I'm not sure psychotropic medication can handle your level of delusion.

"Righties" presented FACTS about Social Security and Medicare. Look at entitlement spending on the government's own websites and you'll see that it takes up most of the budget. Social Security as long been described as a Ponzi Scheme or Pyramid Scam, because that's what it is. Them's called facts. I know, a fact to a leftie is like kryptonite to Superman, but they are true and they are real.

Well, maybe Social Security isn't really a Ponzi Scheme since people go into those without force. The government forces people to pay Social Security under penalty of prison. That's like a Mafia street tax, except even with a Mafia street tax you can always shut down your business and move somewhere else, but the government will follow you wherever you go! That's worse than the Mafia. That's totalitarianism.

"But," you'll say, "Social Security is popular!! So there!!!" Uh...so what? What does popularity have to do with anything? If I rob a bank and give out the money as Christmas presents I may be popular, but I still stole money! Even the Mafia, while justifying it, will admit that stealing is wrong. To the leftie stealing is good! Unless you are rich or have a big business, that is. Except if you're Michael Moore or Ted Turner or George Soros or any other left-wing millionaire/billionaire. Can you say "double-standard"? We spell it h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y.