Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
I know what you mean. I don't care for Todd's ethics. But he knows what he wants and he doesn't beat around the bush, or engage in frivolous drama. Very professional attitude - get the job done, stay focused, don't cause unnecessary problems. He's everything Jesse isn't. Except Todd lacks natural talent (which likely explains his efficient attitude, it compensates).

If it wasn't for his rotten ethics he might be my favourite character.

Jesse will kill him, I'm betting. Walt will get the Aryan bunch. Then Jesse will kill Walt. But that might be too predictable.

Also I keep wondering about Walt Jr. Are they really going to leave the cripple a hapless, passive, bland, naieve character for the whole show? Will he ever, you know, DO anything in the show besides "but Dad ..." ? Also, how many times has he said that now? lol

And one of the reasons Walt wants all his money back is that he has always planned to buy a controlling interest in Gray Matters. He wants to screw Elliot and Gretchen the way he thinks they screwed him. and lo and behold they were in last episode and I read that Gretchen is going to be in the finale so maybe that's why?

It seems Walt Jr. was there all along to rat his father to the police. I wondered what his use was. lol

And I too can't wait to see if Walt has any sort of revenge in store for Elliot, but I keep thinking that wouldn't fit into one episode. ohwell

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones