Contrary to what you say, I may not be as well versed in Philly/South Jersey but I do keep up with mob news. FYI- I also bash New England and Detroit...but it's hard not to bash Philly when they are so disorganized and always advertising who and what they are. If you could actually say that Philly is the "model" mob family, then I'll accept that...but only a moron would believe that. Who gives a shit if I don't like the Merlino faction or "Young Turks." I believe Merlino thinks he's John Gotti and he did nothing more than rob his own people and its not a secret that he was a degenerate gambler and wouldn't even pay his bookies when he lost. He's a disgrace to LCN, the antithesis of what LCN is supposed to be. Somebody mentioned Damon...C'mon man!!!! He's a nobody who had a few pictures taken with the Young Turks, not significant in any way, shape or form. You say I bash Philly...WRONG! I bash Merlino and his punk ass crew...I've never said a bad thing about Uncle Joe or Angelo Bruno, guys who kept a low key and stayed out of the limelight the best they could. Merlino should be locked up forever, it would actually be beneficial to Philly if he had nothing to do with the family as he is a magnet for law enforcement...I mean the media has been following his every move in Florida and I'm sure the Feds are monitoring everything and everybody in Philly just because Merlino is out of the can. Atlantic City is a nice place? I've been there a half a dozen times...drug addicts and prostitutes and lowlifes around that boardwalk. The Jersey Shore? Coney Island on Steroids! I'm sure Gino's Café softball team was a great media relations event and brought no attention at all to law enforcement. Like I said, the first time in the history of the mafia that those knuckleheads put a softball team on the field and posed for pictures with the media.