Catena was a major stockholder of the Bally Manufacturing Company. I think he actually might of financed it when it started up. Bally was or might still be the biggest maker of slot machines, gaming devices and later actual casinos. I think he was forced to sell his stock by the Nevada Gaming Commission.

"Original financing of Bally Manufacturing under its former name was provided by Gerardo "Jerry" Catena, a Cosa Nostra underboss of the New Jersey Genovese Family, who took control for a time when Vito Genovese was incarcerated."

Gyp DeCarlo was heard on a wire tap saying at that time the only gangster who had more money then Catena was Lansky. DeCarlo's office(?) was bugged between 1961 and 1963.

I also think Catena was a major reason Nixon granted DeCarlo a pardon. Though Nixon claimed it was due to DeCarlo's health condition.