Is angelo lutz in the picture, he was funny and hung with those guy all the time I figured they give him a pity button maybe when his best friend george comes home. I read a article on him he 100%italian he grand dad shortend the name he did 9 yrs for gambling. Did horsehead come back to philly since his brother got out. You think theyll keep joe grande on the shelf cause his brother ligambi put him thrre. They made that guy waynes kid thats screwed up. But uncle joe got life cause of grande brother. I read mazzone half irish that might not be a good look for a boss nowadays. Hets my guess on the structure. Naducci acting underboss mazzone street boss. Naducchi got all scarfo guy lance got the young south phill guy and scoops controls all of jersey north and south. He probaly made a couple more guys to beef up the jersey crew since he was aquited and with the luchese nj crew all indicted scoops and philly can start making moves he might be acting consig rite now to I still believe joeys the boss. All guess but they are doin better then the 90tys.