JAIL ,not even the part of being locked down,it is disgusting,dirty,disgusting people,fucking food you don't know what it is or where it came from,the bath rooms are different in jail then prisons,all share,

I have not been there since the70s 80s,so i can't say what it is like now.
I was in jail in south Fla.when the big coke push in 79,80,
and all cubins where in there because of castro sending them to south Fla,
Talk about horrible disgusting,they were like animals,not because of being from cuba, It was because they were dirt poor and were on the street before they got locked up,and the worst of the worst.

"Stone cold killers" they did not speak the language made it worse..the fights ,when fights would break out the guy or guys were dead or knocked out before guards got there..Crazy shit

The system was so over crowded that people were on the floor.
The fla. system would make them work out in fields in the day,bring them back in the night to 6 showers for 50 guys...

Jersey was a lot better still group shower but a little cleaner food a little better.

Now days the system is so much better ,people have told about the conditions and the states have cleaned things up ,now days guys like it,they keep going back food is better they health care ,dental,psychiatrist,drugs..

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."