what a joke, i dont see you come on here and defend the many families and people that your family have ruined, i dont think i need to go down the list, but when someone says someething about your looks you start to go apeshit. I dont see renee graziano going on some forum and btching about people talking about her. you call us losers for going on here and socializing but your doing the same exact thing. and lets be real here, people have DIED because of your family, so go ahead and talk about slander and what not but why dont you pay off some of the families that grew up without fathers, brothers because of YOUR family. coming on here trying to start shit talking about your going to use eddie jacobs to sue us is a disgrace, im sure he doesnt give two shits about you and your 3rd tier TMZ drama. Im sure all these jackie jerkoffs on here are going to come to natalies defense "ohh dont be mean blah blah" this is the internet, dont post stuff unless you want it being used, how do you think celebrities feel when they post something on twitter for 3 seconds then take it down and its all over the news? and yeah, i did say you look like a tranny with messed up boob job, and its true and i can say it from now until next year because we have freedom of speech, i think the same about Cher, but shes not coming here threatening to sue, go take a mydol.