Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Yes, you built straw men and we defeated them. Have you read Peter Singer? Do you even know who he is?

Here's some sources:


Straw man argument here is that you find a crazy person that says you can abort what's not a pregnancy anymore, and you say since he is crazy, so other arguments for abortion is crazy as well. I can't believe I have to explain this. rolleyes

I didn't say he was crazy. I say he's evil. Big difference. The morally unjustifiably taking of all innocent human life is evil. Just because one is in a certain location or below a certain age doesn't make it alright to be murdered.

As for McCain and his warmongering, I agree with you (and for the record, McCain is not very popular with most GOP). We don't need to go to Syria, especially since the side he and Obama want to support are probably Al Qaeda. Moreover, anyone who says they want to blow up Iran is spewing crazy rhetoric. Not all Iranians support Ali Khamenei or the other ayatollahs. There was a time when the USA and Iran were friendly and it is possible that may happen again in the future. But the hateful rhetoric of Khamenei and the various presidents and diplomats toward the USA and Israel don't help. Iran once was friendly to Christians and Jews, with not only greater freedom of religion but freedom of expression too. Early in his presidency Obama had the chance to support those who supported greater Iranian freedom but he dropped the ball.