Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Are you so blind to the plight of Russia? It's obvious that Putin has twisted and corrupted the Russian constitution and it's people. Relations haven't been this bad since the Cold War. You would defend Putin? A scumbag and a greaseball.

And as for women's rights I believe in them and I've defended them before but it's not the number one thing I look for in a politician or president especially in this day and age, when women are not slaves in a household or held back. I tend to look for things like objectivity, economic policy, foreign policy, health care, the debt, our problem with benefits and pensions. You know, stuff that's dragging the United States down. oh it's also where YOU DON'T LIVE.

Are you so blind to the plight of people in Saudi Arabia? Or the rest of the dictators US have worked with? How is that you have deals with their governments, but when it comes to Russia, you suddenly see the plight?

Putin is an elected government and like it or not, international community would have to work with him. It's up to people of each country to change what's broken.

It's funny how you tell me I don't live somewhere, but get sanctimonious when you talk about Russia. Guess what, you don't live there either. grin

As for other issues, I had a long list of why GOP sucks. Top of it is women's rights. As for benefits, pensions, foreign policy, and general IQ of the government, I don't see any how I could even consider GOP.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones