Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Second of all you aren't God either to dictate a woman what to do with her body, and what's not born isn't yet qualified to be defended by you. A woman is not a dedicated incubator that is bound to pop babies if she doesn't want to. Deal with it. Or don't. That's why I NEVER want anything to do with any GOPier. That's my most important issue.

This is why you've been written off a a complete nut job by more than a few on this board. "What's not born isn't yet qualified to be defended?" You're basically saying that a baby can be aborted up the very moment it's actually born. This is the kind of sick, selfish, and outright evil thinking that and secular liberalism (including feminism) has brought us.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.