Very curious the size of the genovese capo's shy book

Given the weight being moved, we are probably talking a 6 figure book

Just for these transactions. Would not be shocked if he put up $1m . Falcetti no doubt was

an earner.

High end marajuana wholesaling really is a great business to be in as the

Margins could be very good and the stigma has been taken away . I'm going to guess

The plea offers might not be too bad as some juries could be indifferent to this activity ,

And like the previous poster indicated , no way is anyone getting 40 years , simple

Conspiracy without any weight on them is probably a 5-7 year penalty , if that . There

Is probably some warehouse in the Bronx right now with a ton of shit in it.

I have heard the genovese are a big player in this business and with

This coming from CA , I'm sure this was Humboldt t county primo shit.

I know LCN business is down but I still think these guys are bringing in loads of $ .

In NY and NJ between construction , garbage, recycling. weed , lending and bookmaking

there is still huge amounts of $ being made . Barney must really be sitting on a huge

fucking pile Of cash . Im still amazed how well run the westside is, they

Are pretty close to unstoppable, they are just monsters in the NYC carpenters union and

Newark waterfront , everyone knows this and the Feds still can't push them out. I have recently become aware of a few big busts on waterfront that they controlled and not one made man was in the indictment , just powerhouses .