Originally Posted By: SilentPartnerz
Supposedly, B. Bellomo sold scads of 'H' when he was younger. Drug ban...who knows. The 40 years that the Basciano guys are looking at makes me think someone will cooperate. 40 years is a looooong time. If the feds were up on their phones, video taped receipt of large packages, had a CI taping the guys- they are all dead meat.

All true about Barney's youth; it's how he got off. The Westside ban on dealing is really just a ban on getting caught.

That being said, I still wouldn't fuck around with dope if I was a soldier in that family. Larca wasn't given a choice about taking a plea. But when they tell you to plea or die, what are you gonna do?

The Basciano boys are fucked. People are already talking about this in the neighborhood. I heard that the evidence is overwhelming, that the rat was wired for months---maybe longer, and that there might be additional charges pending.

Those boys are all right around thirty years old. If they're smart, they'll take pleas and hope to be home by the time they're forty. If they go to trial and crap out, I can honestly see Gene Gotti-John Carneglia like sentences for them. I know it's just weed, where Carneglia and Gotti were moving heroin, but it's interstate and it's a lot of weight. Plus, they're carrying their father's name. This is not a good situation at all.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.