I don't see why Putin can't laugh, after all he did made the deal, and it's a good deal that wouldn't make you spend what you already don't have.

Second of all you aren't God either to dictate a woman what to do with her body, and what's not born isn't yet qualified to be defended by you. A woman is not a dedicated incubator that is bound to pop babies if she doesn't want to. Deal with it. Or don't. That's why I NEVER want anything to do with any GOPier. That's my most important issue.

Of course no article is going to say nonsense you are saying, because you make a lot of things up, when the plan is not even implemented yet.

Just to imitate your great debating skills, you are wrong and what you say makes you look silly. grin

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones