Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Yeah, go right ahead and laugh.

You can babel nonsense all you want but the only thing according to me is that making a woman carry to the term against her will is enslaving her. Period. In fact it's none of your business to make decisions for her life in the first place.

Again, this article doesn't paint the picture you intend and say. All it says is that maybe for cheaper plans, there would be longer waiting time to see a doctor. I suppose that's better than paying an arm and a leg for a medical bill when you have no insurance. American people did vote for Obama along with his signature bill. If it's such a disaster perhaps now Romney was president.

Right now Putin is laughing enough for all of us. Obama has made America a laughing stock because of his colossal ignorance of foreign affairs.

Babelling nonsense is what you've been writing on this forum. According to you?!? Sorry, but no one died and made you God. Your irrational thinking is just making you look silly. And wrong. It's all of our business to protect innocent defenseless human life. Right and wrong don't have genders, and if murder isn't always a legal crime it is always a moral one.

And of course a single article isn't going to repeat what I wrote. I summarized. The fact that a left-wing paper like the L.A. Times prints something critical is saying something. It's like Pravda criticizing Communism. Your either/or fallacy doesn't work either. There were other options available that Obama never considered, like opening up competition by allowing consumers to purchase insurance across state lines. Another thing would be to make sure to not include illegal immigrants. Doing things to cut the cost of higher education, like allowing more medical schools. It's your type of out-of-date black and white thinking that got us into this mess. Dr. Ben Carson had some brilliant ideas that the left-wing totally ignored. Maybe it's because he's a BLACK neurosurgeon. Hmmm....