Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: Faithful1
That's what it was called, the War on Terror. I know facts are funny, but not as funny as people making up history cuz they feel like it.


Your pro-abortion argument jumped the shark because it makes no sense and has no relationship to what I wrote. Anyone can get a job to take care of someone else. Uh, so? What does that have to do with abortion? Taking care of one's own children is slavery? Really? As a father I take care of my children out of love, same with my wife. Calling that slavery is an insult to all mothers and slaves.

Here's some links I plucked off Google. It took me a whole second to find them. They are different sources and one used the Times as a source:




I'm not denying Bush administration used the term "war on terror," to understand why I laugh, you can read the criticism part right there and here:


My argument is fine. You can't make anyone take care of others against their will. Insult to mothers and fathers? Mothers and fathers might leave their families. If they stay they choose to do so. People who are made to do something against their will are slaves.

And you said read LA times. As I said I searched LA times. There was nothing to the effect of that there. As for these links, even these don't reflect the gloomy picture you painted. It's about how those with pre-existing conditions might get a higher rate. These customers might not have been covered before or might have been made to pay more. At any rate I would still wait to see how ACA would work out once it's actually there.

So I guess you won't mind if the rest of us laugh at Obama's foreign policy, right?

On to abortion: according to you, people who do something against their will are slaves. No, people who are in servitude to others for no remuneration against their will are slaves. That's the definition of slavery. Back to the drawing board in search of a defense of killing unborn babies. Oh yes, a woman won't have as much pleasure if she gives birth to a baby she conceived. Aw, my little violin weeps. Pleasure overrules protecting a human life everytime, right? Isn't that you're argument to Ivy? "Hey, honey, little Julia is choking on a piece of bread, but I'm in the middle of playing Grand Theft Auto. When you get home later could you check on her? Thanks. I'm scoring some serious points right now so I don't have time to do the Heimlich on Julia."

As for the L.A. Times, here's an article from Sept. 15: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-insure-doctor-networks-20130915,0,2814725.story

Yes, Obamacare is a disaster. All those things that I previously wrote plus causing a major increase to the national debt. Guess you must want to bankrupt America so no one will have healthcare. Right on. Who needs healthcare anyway? Survival of the fittest, isn't that what Darwin said?