Let me rephrase your comments as how they actually are:

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
"stand in the way of women's rights" = stop women from having their own children inside them killed (usually for petty and selfish reasons)

Usually for petty and selfish reasons that sex shouldn't be enjoyable for women, those who are afraid that no woman would ever have their child, make women carry a fetus to the term, in hopes of maybe someday if they get a woman drunk enough, they end up reproducing.

"stand in the way of minority rights" = is against reverse racism in the form of affirmative action

Reverse racism? lol Right, cause if you can't get a job or education, there's a minority stealing it from you and it's not that you weren't good enough, cause you are a white male. How can you not be good enough? You are better than any other minority that ever walked the earth.

"restrict voting" = require every voter to have some form of ID (no more than one would need to rent a movie)

Screw them, we don't want anyone who can't even rent a movie vote now, do we?

"homophobic" = not celebrate deviant lifestyles, recognizes that marriage between a man and woman is the fundamental building block of society

Right, cause every other sort of family that's not like mine is screwed up and can't be a useful block of society. I'm not a xenophobe at all. grin

"refuses to accept scientific facts" = hasn't forgotten the theory part in the "theory of evolution"

Earth is 6000 years old. Women's reproduction system shuts down and refuses to get pregnant if there's been actual rape. If I'm descended from monkeys, where's my tail? Vaccines make you retarded. lol

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones