Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Not necessarily. Even if that was the case, it just means they're backstabbers not racism. Don't be so simple on this subject. Democrats are not the good and pure statesman you think they are.

And your opinion is unfounded. What in the hell has Obama done to earn the title of "great?" How has he bettered this country, which still struggles even to this day. It's ridiculous, you're drunk off the Kool-Aid. And because I'm not in full swing with his policies I'm a racist? How many times are people going to get the same crap just because they disagree with Obama?

Backstabbers? I call them pure evil. I mean, I'm willing to give up my label of racism only for that.

As for you, I never called you racist. I said all these GOPers who flip just when Obama changes his position are racists. Are you finally confessing you are a republican? grin And did you change your position on this war just when Obama did? So please don't change the argument. Nice try!

There you go again playing the racism card again. Believe it or not there are better explanations for the GOP and democratic fighting. I've given you several and yet you choose to ignore them.

My stance on Syria was perhaps bomb assad and his regime but nothing more. There is still so much we don't know and we have too many problems within our own country to play cop anymore. That being said Obama should not have drawn the red line so clearly, giving away his position. But the basic mess our government is right now is to blame not Obama or the GOP.

I defend the republican point of view on here because so many including yourself attack it relentlessly. It's not perfect, far from it, I'm simply trying to engage another point of view which you point blank refuse to reason with. Would it kill you to be more bipartisan?

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone