Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: Faithful1

Then read some history on the Reid-Pelosi Congress during the last two years of the Bush presidency. They undermined and fought with everything he did, including trying to rein in the housing crisis in 2006 and 2007. As for those wars, it was ONE war, the war on terror, and almost all the Democrats voted for it, included Clinton and Kerry. It must be convenient to forget recent history when it doesn't support our arguments.

So living on their own is your criteria? Then I guess everyone in hospitals and nursing homes should be killed since they need help and can't live on their own. For that matter, babies and young children can't live on their own either, so I guess it's okay to kill them too. It's funny how Democrats use the same or similar arguments for abortion that were used to support slavery almost 200 years ago. Some things never change.

Where do you get your facts on the ACA? I work in health care in California and your claims have no connection to reality. Costs are going up, choice is going down, waiting times are increasing as is unemployment and underemployment. You got to turn off MSNBC once in a while and read the papers. Even the Los Angeles Times has covered these stories.

War on terror? lol Are you kidding me? And when was Iraq part of terror?

I said a 7 year old's need can be met by anyone. No one is forced to take care of him/her. Just as those working in nursing homes. They choose to do that job. They get paid. They can change their job any time they want. They are not forced to take care of anyone. And so a woman cannot be forced to do anything she doesn't want to, cause after all, she isn't a slave.

I searched LA times, I didn't find anything close to dramatic picture you are drawing. Would you mind giving me a couple of links?

That's what it was called, the War on Terror. I know facts are funny, but not as funny as people making up history cuz they feel like it.


Your pro-abortion argument jumped the shark because it makes no sense and has no relationship to what I wrote. Anyone can get a job to take care of someone else. Uh, so? What does that have to do with abortion? Taking care of one's own children is slavery? Really? As a father I take care of my children out of love, same with my wife. Calling that slavery is an insult to all mothers and slaves.

Here's some links I plucked off Google. It took me a whole second to find them. They are different sources and one used the Times as a source:




Last edited by Faithful1; 09/18/13 08:04 PM.