Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
For the record, that wasn't a complaint. For once this do nothing congress has done what it's doing best: Doing nothing. grin

The fact is, congress has never been this useless, and if republicans are really the party of small government and individual responsibility, they shouldn't have restricted abortion like never before or have gone against Affordable Care Act, which holds individuals responsible for their own healthcare. They are full of themselves to call themselves republicans, it's obvious what they are. wink

Too bad the Democratic Congress from 2006 to 2010 didn't do nothing. Instead it did a lot of damage.

Your assertions about abortion and Obamacare are pretty laughable. First, legislating against abortion isn't legislating against personal responsibility. If there was personal responsibility involved it would have happened before the child was conceived. The legislation is about protecting a defenseless human being. By your logic if a mother kills her 7-year-old that shouldn't be a crime either. She took the personal responsibility of terminating a life that she could not care for.

UnAffordable Healthcare Act making people responsible for their own healthcare? R u serious? It makes people purchase healthcare at ever-increasing costs under the threat of massive fines and prison. It takes away free market competition and adds new taxes on medical devices while increasing overall costs. Many insurers are now leaving states where there are exchanges because they can't survive without making any profit. Doctors are quitting in numbers higher than ever before. Worst of all, employers are taking full-time employees and making them part-timers at 29 1/2 hours a week, making Americans poorer. For those who are still full-time the employee contribution is increasing.

Obamacare isn't responsibility, it's European-style socialism, and bad one at that. It increases waiting times before appointments and turns the IRS into the enforcing agency. You really want the IRS knowing all your healthcare information and making life and death decisions? I don't.