Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Jesus Christ is that how it is with every liberal on here?? That the GOP and every person against Obama doesn't like him because they think he's a Muslim and he's black??

Let me clue you in. It's policy. Not race or religion. Policy, the GOP think many things, but they aren't dumb enough to question his citizenship, loyalty and skin color. He is the President, an ineffective one, but the President. They must show respect.

Republicans do not like Obama due to policy. The same reason Democrats don't like them: policy. Their stupid, maddening idealistic views (both sides) are what is bringing this country to ruin rather than finding common ground. And for the last time, IT'S BOTH SIDES. Not just the Republicans.

Obama commissioned Alan Simpson and Erskin Bowles, two very different people on the political spectrum to come up with a solution to our budget problems. What they came up with was absolutely what we needed to do. But what does Obama do when it comes to the floor? Nothing. Ultimately it's up to him to come up with bipartisan support for a bill of that magnitude and he doesn't even endorse it! He needed to be compromising but firm, he needed to talk to Republicans and Democrats about this. But he sat back and did nothing. And now a perfectly good plan is down the shitter.

And lastly, do not call Barack Obama a "great man". That title is reserved is for people who DO things of a great magnitude and significance to this nation. Like Washington or Lincoln or Roosevelt or Truman closely followed by Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Teddy. But do us the favor of sparing us the Obama Kool-Aid and do not refer to President Obama as great. He has done absolutely nothing to earn that title.

And yet, you didn't explain anything, except repeating it's policy, it's policy, it's policy. As if when you repeat it enough time, it becomes the truth. When republicans constantly flip positions depending what he proposes, it cannot be policy. It's pure racism. And it's my opinion that Obama is a great man. Deal with it.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones