Originally Posted By: Camarel
Obama didn't exactly achieve much during his first 2 years either when he controlled both the House and the Senate. The fact is he can blame the repubs in Congress, but at the end of the day getting Republicans to work with him is part of his job, Clinton did it well. I just think Obama was to inexperienced for this job to begin with. Even though Clinton was about the same age he had ran a state for a decade or so while Obama had been a Senator for a very short period.

Not when the senate minority leader says it is their "job" not to let this president get anything done. Notice that he doesn't think his job is to pass laws that are good for people. Clinton was a white Southerner who knew the language to GOP base and signed DOMA for pete's sake. Obama made Hillary who dragged him through the mud his SoS. That's how much he is willing to work with others. If republicans were remotely up for it, he would've worked with them. They shot down their own bills when he went for those bills. Case in point: Simpson-Bowles. Look it up. And then NSA, and now Syria. They couldn't be more obvious as to why they hate this president so much.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones