Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
I don't think Obama wanted to do anything. If he really wanted to do something, he wouldn't ask for congress' permission. A congress that doesn't do anything and is sure to go against the president is at least good for these times to get out of the corner he pretty much put himself there in the first place by setting a red line.

Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and the rest didn't want war, but now don't want the negotiations either. It doesn't matter what this president does, they are against it, no matter how many times they have to change their positions.

It's funny to read the complaints of those who say that no matter what the president does Congress goes against it. Were they making the same complaints when the Democrat-run House of Representatives under Nancy Pelosi refused to go along with anything former President Bush said or did? Where were they then?

And by the way, maybe the House Republicans are against President Obama's policies because they disagree with his left-wing agenda of European-style socialism, punishing fines for those who don't want to purchase health insurance, businesses cutting hours for employees to 29 1/2 hours from 40 because of his Affordable Care Act, abortion extremism, and a foolish foreign policy that appeases Islamism.

90% of republicans that hate Obama hated him before he opened his fucking mouth

that's a fact