Originally Posted By: JCB1977
There was an eyewitness at the scene who saw the car, however, the car was probably stolen or not registered to anybody connected to the murder. Junior definitely got the ball rolling, but Junior would not have left a body in Mike Genovese's backyard that was linked to illegal gambling unless Mike gave the okay. If Junior did in fact do it on his own, Porter would have played that card while in prison as his ace in the hole. Personally, I don't see Junior having Bobby's brother whacked...but then again, Junior would kill anybody if it meant more $$$ for him.
I didn't mean to imply that Junior did it on his own. When I said got the ball rolling,I meant that he got the OK to set it up. As far as the actual shooter,supposedly he was a Mafia wanabee who idolized the Godfather movie,had a picture of Al Pacino in his house,and wanted his friends to call him "Sonny". The eyewitness gave a description of the suspect which fit the the registered owner of the pickup at the scene. My understanding is that his identity is known to some in law enforcement,but either because of evidentiary problems,or "influence",the case will never be closed. As far as Bobby's brother,he got beaten to death by bouncers and/or patrons outside a South Side nightclub. Anyway,there was never any solid connection between the beating and Junior,I'm just giving you what the street talk was. I appreciate you replying to my posts,it really is a very interesting little saga. It's a shame,because the Mancini brothers had a nice little nightclub,gambling and drug business at one time. Two of them died violently,and the remaining brother (Nick)never got over it.

Last edited by Lou_Para; 09/15/13 02:00 AM.