Hey Kly and DT. You attacked people for even disagreeing with the leftist point of view. Anyone who doesn't like Obama must hate him because he's black right?

For the record, Zimmerman's a scumbag, Trayvon had traces of dirty sprite in his liver, I support gays, I don't think Obama is a Muslim and I hate the Tea Party.

Whatever happened to objectivity? All you people love playing the kind hearted liberal. Of course that's easy when you live in the all white suburbs. A black or Hispanic moves in, I bet you people leave in a heartbeat.

Fact is you criticize people on the right for gross generalizations when the left does the same thing. All of you included.

FOX news is evil blah blah blah Obama is the second coming of Christ and can do no wrong blah blah blah Trayvon was such an angel blah blah blah you're a racist blah blah blah let's make an excuse for radical and fundamental Islam even though it killed 3000 people blah blah blah tax the rich and spend more fucking money even though we are trillions of dollars in debt...

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone